Monday, September 14, 2009

once/twice a month a milk bath~~

Thanks to his mum who sometimes have those going to expired goods free to bring home~

I got the milk samples may be twice or trice but I just realized I could use them for milk bathing~~~

The goods were really a lot and My family&I could not finish them until they expired.
The milk samples
The milk in bail

The milk+ water (bubbles shown)

There was once I added a few drops of essebtial oil I bought from Bali.
However, I felt nothing special with it...

May be I need other frageance? haha...

So,what's so good about using milk to bath??

AS we know, milk may cause the skin smooths .(I love it!!)

Besides, it may whiten the skin too. I am not sure about this as I have fair skin...

These two reasons mde me a milk fan....haha

Try googling for more benefits of milk ...:P

Btw, I never bothered by the milk scent since I had been drinking milk for years...

avoid milk if you do!!! XD

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