I purchased this body butter together with the promo bag, and i couldn't wait 2try this as TBS's bod butters are best seller.
I took it with me when i was on trip to Bali~~
i was shocked as it was not like cream, but a bit too solid compare to other butters i saw in the shop. Was it supposed to be like that because it's mango?
I took it with me when i was on trip to Bali~~
i was shocked as it was not like cream, but a bit too solid compare to other butters i saw in the shop. Was it supposed to be like that because it's mango?
The texture made it look cheap. I applied everyday after taking bath and i used a lot as it was too solid that it was hard to smooth. this small container last me about 2/3 weeks only!! It is totally not a good deal if I purchased with it's original price.
the smell was fine for me, which was not too strong mango smell. the packing makes the butter hard to get as there was no spatula attached and i hate packing like this.
it was absorbed fast, but not really giving me a moisturized feel.
Overall, I do not recommend anyone to get this, but we can still get other flavours :rose(my favourite fragrance!)
Pros :
- nice smell
- it's a steal during promotion
- absorb fast
- bad packeging
- bad texture
- a little pricey for some